

Apr 25 2017
Start Time
9:00 AM
End Time
11:00 AM


As mom’s we need encouragement and advice sometimes!   Mom’s of all ages and stages join us for a short  5 week Spring session of Daybreak Tuesday or Wednesday mornings for a book study by Sally Clarkson entitled ‘The Mission of Motherhood: Touching your Child’s Heart for Eternity’.  No calling is greater, nobler, or more fulfilling that that of motherhood.  Everyday, as we nurture our children, mothers influence eternal destiny as no one else can.  Tragically, today’s culture minimizes the vital importance of a mother’s role.  By catching a vision of God’s original design and allowing it to shape your life, you can rediscover the joy and fulfillment that can be found in the strategic role to which God in all his wisdom has called you, for a purpose far greater than you can ever imagine.