Today we will launch our short three week series called “Worthy” starting with Jesus Our Prophet.
Monday, March 20
9:30 am Men's and Women's Prayer
6:45 pm Growth Group #5
7:00 pm Growth Groups #3 & 4
Tuesday, March 21
9:00 am Growth Group #8, 9, 10
7:00 pm Youth Study
7:00 pm Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 22
9:30 am Keenagers Study
4:00 pm AWANA
5:30 pm Prayer for Ukraine
5:40 pm Trek & Journey
7:30 pm Young Adults Study
Thursday, March 23
9:30 am Growth Group #12
7:00 pm Men's Floor Hockey
Friday, March 24
7:30 pm Youth Jr. High vs Parents
7:30 pm Youth Sr. High Bigger & Better
Saturday, March 25
Sunday, March 26
9:15 am Worship Service
11:15 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Filipino Care Group
6:00 pm Singin' the Gospel
The Worship Service will also be on Facebook and YouTube at 10 am thid Sunday. For more information please visit our website or or watch for The Loop - our weekly e-newsletter. If you do not receive The Loop you can download it here from our website. Click HERE to sign up to receive The Loop in your email weekly.
ARE YOU NEW TO SGAC? We want to help you get connected. Fill out a connection card and stop by the Welcome Centre so we can meet you & give you a small gift to say thanks for joining us. We hope SGAC will soon start to feel like home!
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING is available for nursery to ageGrade 6. Please visit the Check In Kiosk next to the nursery to sign in your children.
FAITH ON FIRE TONIGHT at 6:00 pm - Join us for a Night in Worship to our King. All ages
--Jr. High, Youth vs Parents - Grades 7 to 9 bring your parents to compete in multiple events to
determine which generation reigns supreme!
--Sr. High, Bigger & Better - Grades 10 to 12 will head out into the neighbourhood with a paperclip and see if they can trade up for something bigger & better.
SINGIN’ THE GOSPEL - Save the Date - Join us for special guests Touch of Grace on Sunday, March 25 at 6:00 pm. This is a free event. An offering will be taken.
BAPTISM SATURDAY, April 2 - We are dedicating a whole Sunday morning service for baptisms. What better way to celebrate the Easter season and the new life we have in Christ than to celebrate changed lives through baptism. If you have been sitting on the fence regarding this important step in your faith – now is the time! Now is the time to take the plunge and show everyone that you take Jesus seriously and want to make Him the most important person in your life. If you would like to be baptized, please reach out to one of our pastors. They would love to walk you through this discipleship process and get you ready for this important event.
KAIROS COURSE - Monday evenings online starting April 17 for six weeks followed by two in-person sessions at SGAC. If you have a heart for missions & reaching our community, then this interactive study on the purpose & plan of God for His people & His world from Genesis to Revelation is for you. Cost is $99. Click here to register. For more information contact Pastor Joel or Dan Ibsen.
MAUNDY THURSDAY - A Contemplative Communion Service in lieu of a Good Friday Service. Thursday, April 6 at 7:00 pm.
EASTER SUNDAY - April 9 at 9:15 and 11:15 am with full children’s programming for nursery to grade 6.
This month we are highlighting Afonso & Becky Chinhama who work with SIM serving the church in Angola. Becky’s mom attends SGAC and when they are back in Canada they attend SGAC with her.
Current prayer requests are: - The wife of the pastor in their local church has recently passed away leaving three small children behind. Pray for the Chinhama’s and their small church family as they meet the needs & minister to this grieving family.
- Afonso is often away doing ministry. Pray for him as he serves, as well as for Becky as she is home with their children.
- - We are urgently searching for ushers to serve at the 11:15 service. Please contact the church office if you would like to sign up or if you have any questions.
-- Children’s Ministry is growing every week and we need more teachers and assistants in preschool and elementary. Please contact Pastor Coreen to get connected today.
TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION on these & other events check out the following:
Website - sgac.net
Facebook - @sprucegrovealliancechurch, @sgacwomen, @sgacyouth, @sgackeenagersgroup, @sgackids
Instagram - @sga.church, @youngadults.sgac, @sgacyouth, @sgac.women
YouTube - @sprucegrovealliancechurch
Are you in “The Loop”? Don’t miss out on Pastor Brent’s weekly e-newsletter which comes out every Wednesday afternoon. If you have not subscribed to SGAC’s e-newsletter, you can do that at “SGAC
Downloads” on our website where you can also read this week’s edition of The Loop.
Giving Update
Weekly Giving - March 6 - 12, 2023
General Fund Giving $ 11,928
Weekly Budget Required $ 23,963
Borrowed funds to date $ 1,050,000
Interest Rate 7.20%
Monthly Update February
General Fund Giving $ 125,008
General Fund Giving (35 Wk Avg) $ 25.368
Future Development Fund $ 81,540
Year to Date Update (Jul 1/22 to Feb 28/23)
General Fund Revenue YTD (35wks) $ 928,176
General Fund Expenses $ 735,789
Budget Required YTD $ 838,705
Budget Surplus $ 89,471
Global Advance Giving $ 113,721
Canadian Ministries Giving $ 12,383
Future Development $ 344,672
Please note the following options for giving:
Whether it is a one-time gift or you would like to schedule a recurring donation, you can give online to Spruce Grove Alliance Church. This option allows you to give using a Visa debit card or the traditional Visa or MasterCard credit cards.
Pick up a pre-authorized debit agreement form from our church office or download one here. You can fill it out and then with a voided cheque - you can either scan it and email it to the office, or drop it off during regular office hours.
During office hours, you can drop by and use the INTERAC/DEBIT machine at the Welcome Centre, then fill out your donation envelope as normal including your name, address, giving number and insert your debit receipt so we can disburse funds as directed in the Box on the counter.
Use E-Transfer to give at SGAC, using give@sgac.net. Please include your offering envelope number and contact information. In the notes section please indicate how you would like your donation designated, ie. General Fund, Canadian Ministries etc.. The money is deposited directly into the church account and does not require a security question. (This method of giving is not to be used for registrations.)
During office hours, you can stop by the church office and drop off your donation in a sealed envelope. Mark it Finance / Confidential
Mail your donation to:
Spruce Grove Alliance Church
Attn: Finance
250 Century Road
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 1W6
Thank you for your generosity in giving to SGAC.
Questions: Please contact the church office at 780 962 4700 or by email corina.langdon@sgac.net. You may also visit our website at www.sgac/Give
Please pray for...
Pastoral Team Staff Member: Lead Pastor - Brent Foster. brent is married to Erica and they have two children.
Our Support Team Staff Member: Kim Friesen . Kim is married to Paul adn they have three children.
Our Elders Team Member: Rob Young. Rob is married to Camille and they have two children.
If you would like personal prayer please join our Pastors and prayer team in the Sanctuary following the service. If you are joining us online please send your prayer request to us by clicking here. We want to pray for your needs.
WONDERS OF ART – March 17 to 30 at the Spruce Grove Art Gallery (located in the library). Some of our SGAC Keenagers had fun participating in this art workshop for seniors. Stop by and see if you can spot some of their works of art.